St. Katharine of Siena Parish's

St. Katharine of Siena Parish's Ruffatti Organ

In 2018, St. Katharine of Siena Parish in Wayne, Pa. placed an order for a beautiful Ruffatti organ. We are pleased to share that the construction for this instrument is well underway! Cunningham Piano Company is proud to be our region’s agent for the legendary Fratelli Ruffatti pipe organ builders of Padua, Italy. The Fratelli Ruffatti (i.e. the Ruffatti Brothers) are internationally renowned as one of the finest builders of pipe organs in the world. Each Fratelli Ruffatti organ is unique. They can custom design the organ's sound palette to match the tastes of the musicians and the architecture of the space where the organ will be placed. Here are some other world-famous Ruffatti Organs:
Front view of one of the main facades, or an area that will house pipes
Front view of one of the main facades, or an area that will house pipes
Side view of facade
Side view of facade
Inside of facade that will soon be filled with pipes of all sizes.
Inside of facade that will soon be filled with pipes of all sizes.
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