A new Ruffatti pipe organ in our region….. we hope.
The organ in any church can offer a touch of divinity, be central to worship, and can have a beauty that is rarely matched. But replacing a failing pipe organ during a pandemic can be particularly frustrating. Just ask the people of St. Katharine of Siena Roman Catholic Church in Wayne, Pa. After spending years searching for the right solution to update their pipe organ, the church was excited to contract with Cunningham Piano Company’s Global Organ Group and Fratelli Ruffatti of Padova, Italy, one of the world’s premier builders of pipe organs, for a custom built pipe organ to be manufactured for them.
The organ was completed and ready in Italy in the Fall of 2020, but because of pandemic related restrictions, the instrument is being stored until the Ruffattis are able to come to the United States for installation.
Since travel restrictions from Europe were lifted 11/8/21, we are hopeful that the installation will be completed soon. Please join us in holding our breath and saying a collective prayer that this long awaited installation will now happen.
More information is coming!