About Steinway Restorations
Cunningham Piano has been restoring the value and integrity of Steinway pianos for over 70 years. Our client list includes hundreds of universities all over the country and thousands of families. We've watched the Steinway company switch ownership several times and we've watched them change part suppliers many times. We've seen them change geometry to fit their new ideas. We've seen their design successes and their disappointments. We have a love affair with restoring their pianos.
Is it possible to be too close to the sun?
Yes. We believe that it is important to take a step back from the marketing that currently surrounds the rebuilding industry and consider the individual piano and it’s needs. What was important to Steinway when a particular piano was made? What materials were used and why? What was the goal at the time and why? If a 1920 Steinway is rebuilt to modern standards, what will it be in 20 years? A 1920 Steinway or a 2015 Steinway…. or something else?
We take the traditional approach of maintaining the originality of your piano, so that it’s value will hold fast and that your musical expectation is met when you play it. We want the original Steinway family to recognize your piano as their own.
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