Cunningham Piano Online Ensemble Project
Welcome to the Cunningham Piano Online Ensemble Project! In this challenging environment, we want to rise above our “social distancing” constraints and find ways to make music together. This project was inspired by Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir project and a question from a choral teacher on how she could continue to teach her students online.
This project will not only result in a virtual online ensemble performance, but also a detailed series of tutorials to show the entire process of putting the music together. We will be performing Mozart’s Ave verum corpus, K. 618. For performers, please use the following links: Vocal score: Orchestra parts (arranged by Jean-Yves Malmasson):
  • Flutes 1-2
  • Oboes 1-2
  • Clarinets 1-2
  • Basson 1-2
  • F Trumpet 1-2
  • Bb Trumpet 1-2
  • Tenor Trombone 1-2
  • Bass Trombone (ad lib.)
  • Timbales (ad lib.)
  • Violin 1
  • Violin 2
  • Viola
  • Cello
  • Contrabass
Conductor videos: Please watch this tutorial on using YouTube to record your part:
*NOTE: It may take up to 24 hours to activate YouTube Live if it’s your first time using that feature.

YouTube Live Not Working/Delayed?

*UPDATE: Just found out that some folks are having problems with YouTube live – if you’re one of them, skip to and you can use your webcam to upload video files manually. Of course, you can also use your smartphone/tablet, etc – just be sure to be watching the conductor video appropriate to your part while you record! For Windows users, see this webcam recording tutorial: Be sure to use headphones (or ear buds) with your computer to isolate the computer audio from your own when recording. Also, remember to clap or play a note on the beginning of the 2nd count-in measure. This will help us synchronize all the tracks in the end. If you have a USB/external microphone, feel free to use it, but don’t feel obliged! In the YouTube video title, be sure to add “Cunningham Piano Online Ensemble Project – Mozart – “ + your name and your part. Copy and email the YouTube link to me at


Let’s make some beautiful music together!